Charter Sustainable Entrepreneurship



label voka

We are proud to announce our participation in the Charter Sustainable Entrepreneurship of Voka! 🌱

What does this entail? We will set up an action plan with at least 10 sustainability goals linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). These actions will help to be even more conscious of our business and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Sustainable Development Goals

As a company, we attach great importance to corporate sustainability. We are proud of our commitment to a sustainable future and would like to share with you the impact we are already making using the SDGs.

Moens Packaging works proactively to continuously improve this impact and strive for continuous innovation and change.

01 : No poverty

We collaborate with several sheltered workplaces.

02 : Zero hunger

We have already offered the following programmes: individual vocational training (IVT), dual learning, in-house corporate training, work-study programmes, internships and job students.

Leftovers of food from meetings or home are shared among the employees.

03 : Good health and well-being

We are a collection point for plastic caps to support the organisation for guide dogs for the blind.

We have currently participated twice in the Pink March where we take 10.000 steps a day for one month to raise awareness and support breast cancer research.

Minimum overtime to keep the “work-life balance” optimal.

04 : Quality education

Multiple in-house training courses are offered (e.g. product knowledge, first aid and fire safety training, etc.).

Coaches are designated for new employees.

Internships, dual workplaces and company visits for students were already given.

05 : Gender equality

Equal opportunities for everyone.

Time credit to take care of someone or get an education and parental leave was already given to both men and women

06 : Clean water

There is a wadi in the Industriestraat in Zele. A wadi temporarily retains rainwater, thus replenishing groundwater.

We have installed a water dispenser in our three branches. This allows us to offer fresh and delicious water and reduces waste.

07 : Affordable and clean energy

375 solar panels spread across our 3 sites.

Energy from wind turbines.

In Dendermonde, we have a battery and inverter to store our renewable energy.

08 : Decent work & economic growth

Good group-and hospitalisation insurance for all employees.

Individual happiness interviews are regularly done with the employees.

09 : Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Most forklifts are electric.

Lights with sensors and LED lighting.+

Additional insulation to the roof and side walls of the warehouse in Grembergen.

10 : Reduced inequalities

Variety of age groups, ethnicity and gender is something we strive for and is present.

No alcohol in the workplace. At personnel parties, there are alcohol-free alternatives.

11 : Sustainable cities & communities

Purchase new trucks with a sustainability package.

Collaboration with sheltered workplaces.

Bicycle leasing is possible for the employees.

We have a cardboard and foil press that compresses this into bales, which are then recycled separately.

12 : Responsible consumption & production

We promote sustainable packaging such as recycled or reconditioned packaging.

Regular stock clearance before consideration for recycling.

Plastic and metal is collected for separate processing.

Boxes in various sizes for optimal packaging.

We switched from 20 micron film to 15/16 micron film.

13 : Climate action

Scope 1 and scope 2 of our carbon footprint are defined.

Using European averages, we can make a CO2 calculation per packaging (estimation).

14 : Life below water

Reducing disposable cups.

15 : Life on land

We organised a guided walk by VZW Durme for our employees.

We contribute in the purchase & planting of trees and wetlands in cooperation with United Packaging Forest & VZW Durme. Thus, we contribute in local and international fauna and flora.

In Grembergen, we deliberately chose to remove some parking spaces to create an additional green zone.

16 : Piece, justice and strong institutions

Policy statement and sustainability statement is defined.

Transparent communication with stakeholders through mailings, website and company visits.

Semi-annual staff meeting including the topic of sustainability.

In-house communication with Sharepoint, mailings, oral communication and internal or external training.

17 : Partnerships for the goals

Annual budget for nature preservation (United Packaging Forest & VZW Durme).

Annual sponsorship budget for sports, culture and local associations.